
Showing posts from November, 2022

Is My House Up to Code?

  Building codes change over time and for people who have owned their homes for a long time, they may not know if their home is out of code and if so, does it matter. Building codes and violations from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and focus on issues that can affect the safety of the dwelling and its occupants. A home that’s “up to code” may answer the questions: ·  Does the home have fire escapes and exits? ·  Are plumbing lines intact and functional? ·  Are construction materials in good condition and free from asbestos and other hazardous chemicals? ·  Is the home well-lit and free from tripping hazards? ·  Is the HVAC system working efficiently? Avoid Code Violations There are things to look for in both an existing house and a potential home. · Check for any permits on the home and always ensure any work done on the home includes permits. · Test for hazardous materials such as asbestos or lead. These materials are common in older homes. If found, these ...

The Benefits of Owning a Second Home

  As the world emerges from the pandemic era and begins to look for a new normal, we’ve all changed the way we look at homeownership and lifestyle. More and more, families are forgoing exotic vacations and using the savings to enhance their home for staycations. In addition to the home improvement boom, the second home market has also exploded. Owning a second home was once a privilege for the rich and famous, but now even those with a modest income can purchase a second home. There are some great benefits to owning a second home. The first is enjoyment. Many people buy a second home to get a change of scenery. With more companies offering a work-from-home option, spending winter in a warmer climate has become feasible for the average person. There are financial advantages to buying a vacation home. A second home can help you save money on your taxes. The mortgage and property taxes of a second home can be deducted from your income in the same way a primary home is. The property ca...

Should I Move For My Job?

The question of moving for a new job is not uncommon. In the past few years, more and more companies are moving their entire operations out of high-tax states to those more business-friendly. Possible work-from-home options further complicate the decision to move with your company. So, should you move when your company does? Things to Consider Before You Move for Your Company ·  Career Growth –  One of the biggest reasons to stay with your job through a move is career growth and advancement. Speak with your manager or HR professional about what kind of career path is available before you decide. ·  Better Location –  Companies moving out-of-state often move to a more desirable location. If the new area appeals to you, then using a corporate relocation package can be a cost-effective way to move to a better location. ·  Personal Relationships –  Moving away from family and friends may be too high a price to pay to stay with your company. Aging parents or the...