W. C. Handy Festival 2019

W. C. Handy Music Festival July 19-28 is one of the biggest 10 days in the Shoals. It's when we celebrate music - in the streets, in the restaurants, in the churches, basically - everywhere! The W. C. Handy Music Festival is a celebration paying honor to the Father of the Blues, W. C. Handy. He was an internationally recognized composer of sacred and secular music. We also celebrate the music produced locally in the "Hit Recording Capital of the World". Musicians in the Shoals area are the best anywhere. They produce a sound that has never been able to be replicated. The first festival was held in 1982 and has continued to grow in size each year. It is recognized as one of the top 10 events in the State of Alabama and one of the top 20 events in the Southeast. There is something for everyone! Are you a runner? No worries, there is an annual run to cover the running enthusiast in the famil...